You totally miss the conservative point of view, as we already know, conservatives, and Christian conservatives in particular are the most chartable politic group in the country by far. The question is not if a person should be charitable.
The question is does the government have the right to order us to be charitable and does the government have the right to define who we are charitable to.
You say the government does have the right to seize my money and use it for whatever charitable cause it sees fit. I say it does not.
You are happy with the government taking a private citizens property and awarding it to another private citizen. I say the constitution prohibits this.
You have no fear that that charitable contribution by the government is really just a bribe to citizens to buy votes. I say in many cases this is all they are.
You think the government forced charities are more efficient than private charities. I know this is not correct.
You do not see any negative effects to the economy when the government seizes a larger and larger portion of the earnings of this country. I say all evidence suggest otherwise.
In short, you believe our lives and livelihoods are better controlled by the people in Washington than by us. You believe in the rights of the collective over the rights of the individual.
Supporting the government does not mean paying my neighbors rent. Helping my neighbor is a noble and moral thing to do. The government pointing a gun to my head to force me to do this is not.