236 years ago William Dawes and Paul Revere started their epic ride to warn patriots that the British were marching on Concord. The British hoped to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock and the American arsenal. If successful the British may have been able to put a quick end to the emerging revolution.
Dawes and Revere took separate routes in case one was captured. Although detained at a road block, the two along with Samuel Prescott managed to notify hundreds of Minutemen of the arriving British troops. On the morning of April 19, 1775, 77 Colonial Militia blocked the path as the British arrived at Lexington, Massachusetts. During the tense standoff someone fired the “shot heard around the world”. Both sides returned fire and the American Revolution had begun.
Like Dawes and Revere’s ride, this blog is an attempt to rouse American Patriots to impending threats to America. Not threats of invading foreign armies, but threats to an ever expanding federal government that are sapping the resources and reducing the Liberty of all Americans.
The unique freedoms Americans have enjoyed are the very thing that has made the United States economy the engine of the world. The US economy is what allows America to maintain the world’s only super power level military, a military that not only protects America but is the only deterrent to tyrants and dictators all over the world. Just in the last months we have seen NATO struggle to contain a third world military in Libya, both France and England have called for the US to resume strike missions because the combined militaries of NATO do not have the resources to deal with Libya’s meager army.
A US economy that is unrestricted by a meddling and intrusive federal government is the best hope for prosperity for America and its citizens……and America is the last best hope for the free world.
So as long as needed, my ride continues.