Public opinion polls show a majority of Americans support a debt reduction plan that includes some tax increases and view Obama as more willing to deal on the federal debt.
Man we have fallen for the liberal media slant on this issue.
Look what has happened here, Obama has increased spending over 1 trillion dollars in just two years, he has imposed millions of dollars in new taxes, he has increased the % of total GDP the government takes to a point where spending as a % of GDP in the future could be 80-100%..... and now he wants to deal. Sure he wants to deal, he has taken a dollar and he is willing to give back 5 cents. It would be like Wal-Mart doubling all their prices and then giving everyone 10% off. That's no deal!
What has he really offered to deal? Has he offered any plan? The President preaches to congress that "they" have to do something, he holds meeting and the total real savings he has offered is 2 billion dollars, big deal, the government spent that in the time the meeting took.
The GOP has offered plans and ideas, the one thing they should not do is increase the income tax.
I want the federal spending stopped and you don't stop federal spending by raising taxes again. This is real simple, stop spending money. The federal government will collect 2.8 trillion dollars this year, if we give them another trillion next year they will want another trillion, it has to stop.
In 2008 the government spent 2.8 trillion dollars and if you listen to the liberals every single cent was absolutely necessary. In 2012 they will spend 3.5 trillion and guess what, every single cent is absolutely essential, well that is except for defense spending: which the liberals think we can slash.
I do not want the rate of increased spending slowed, I want the increases stopped, when the economy starts growing the government will get more money but there is no reason on earth the federal government need to continually have more and more of the money earned in this country as compared to GDP, it is absolutely unsustainable.
You might not like the Republicans digging in their heels, but Greece would be in a lot better shape now if someone in the Greek government would have dug their heels in 20 years ago. Compromise now and your kids will grow up in a country that makes Greek spending look like small change.
You don’t think it is all that bad? When Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as speaker of the house she vowed “there would be no new deficit spending” to quote madam speaker exactly
"After years of historic deficits, this 110th Congress will
commit itself to a higher standard: Pay as you go, no
new deficit spending”
The federal debt was 8.6 trillion at that time, today it is 14.5 trillion and we have raised the debt ceiling
74 times on the last 49 years……
It has to stop sometime and now is the time.