Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately"

We mutually pledge to each other our

Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”

And with those words the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence risked their upper class lifestyle and maybe their lives for the then new idea of personal liberty. None of these men had to do this; most could have lived their lives out successful and wealthy under British rule. They realized something that maybe we forget at times, personal liberty is our greatest possession; it should never be traded away for personal comfort or security.
We all have an obligation to speak out to maintain personal liberty. We all have a responsibility tospeak up when confronted with failed political dogma and tyranny.
I stared this blog as a small contribution to spread the word and help maintain the freedom I enjoy for my children and grandchildren. When I became busy with work and family commitments it was easy to let it slip down the priority list. How easy it would have been for the founding fathers to avoid the coming conflict by quietly return to their homes and warm fires because of other pressing needs that were more important.  But they did not retreat in the face of adversity and we cannot either.

Thanks to Mr. Henderson for his recent comments on my 2/5/13 blog.  He reminded me that all of us have an obligation do our part to maintain the system we love; the system that is the last best hope for mankind. Mr. Henderson spoke up and set an example of how we all must support and encourage each other to continue resisting the warped and one sided liberal logic.

So, efforts renewed, I now carry Mr. Henderson’s example forward. We must speak out when confronted with liberal logic, get involved, vote, improve your knowledge, challenge a young person to think for themselves, sharpen your argument points and speak out when you hear some misguided soul expounding on the virtues of socialism.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing”

We can no longer afford to be the silent majority.