Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I wonder if anyone really thinks about what the liberals are saying?

The two quotes below from our President explain the real difference how the liberals and conservatives look at tax policy and the citizen’s money.

"We can't give away $700 billion to folks who don't need it." --Barack Obama promising to raise taxes on those earning $250,000 or more a year

"You can't have Republicans running on fiscal discipline that we're gonna reduce our deficit, that the debt's out of control, and then borrow tens, hundreds of billions of dollars to give tax cuts to people who don't need them." --BO repeating the class warfare rhetoric

First, only a true liberal can look at a tax policy that lets someone keep some portion of their own money and say that is giving that person something. ("We can't give away $700 billion”) In other words the fact that the government has not taken your money yet means the government gave it to you. Only to a liberal would not raising your taxes be the same thing as the government giving you money.

To a conservative all the money you earned is yours, and we are obligated to send some to the government so the government can perform its constitutional duties. To the liberal all the money is the governments and if you get to keep any it is because the government bestowed it upon you.

The second difference between liberals and conservatives is that to a conservative it is not the government’s job to decide who “needs” the money they earn. The continuing class warfare aspect of the liberal argument is frightening. The liberal attempt to turn one group of citizens against another for political advantage is the tactic of tin pot dictators in third world countries.

Even implying that the amount of money to be seized by the federal government is somehow set by a government determination of a citizen’s “need” of that money is startlingly similar to the basic ideals of socialism.

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