Friday, November 4, 2011

An open letter to all Republican candidates:

I have been getting a number of solicitations for contributions to the GOP in the last year. I had every intension of contributing during this election cycle because I view the defeat of Obama as paramount to our nation’s future.

As a very conservative Republican, I must say that I am disgusted with the tone and actions of Republican candidates during the recent debates. The childish bickering and finger pointing does nothing to further our cause, does nothing to inform the public, and does nothing to help Republicans build a coalition that can win this election. I do not need our national candidates to tell me what his or her opponent has done; I can do that research myself. I need the candidate to lay out a vision and ideas on how they plan to take this country forward. The political handlers that are using the “go negative” play book should realize they are destroying any chance of a Republican victory. Reagan would be as disgusted as I am with the behavior of these so called “Conservatives”.

Until I see that type of grownup commitment, I am withholding my financial support for anyone. I vowed after the disaster of 2008, where we let a light weight, know nothing win the Presidency that I was done voting for a candidate just because he was not as bad as the other guy. Either we put a viable person forward that does something besides criticize their fellow Republicans, or I will support no one. A childish, glory seeking Republican is no better than a democrat in my book.

I assure you that main stream conservatives all have a similar belief. If we continue down this ridiculous path we will once again find ourselves defeated in November. I plan to forward this message to all the candidates but I hope you will pass along the feelings of the voting right.

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