Thursday, September 13, 2012

We are the ones in charge.

To say that I disagree with the Obamacare bill would be an understatement. But after reflecting on the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold the law, I think I at least understand why Justice Roberts voted the way he did.

For too long Congress has been in the habit of deferring its responsibility to the court. Whenever a contentious decision has to be made, Congress would rather hide its head in the sand and let the court render a decision.  This is all the better at election time; to be able to deny any accountability.

I think Roberts not only hit the nail on the head with his harsh criticism of the continued expansion of the commerce clause as an excuse for an ever expanding federal government, but he correctly identified the situation as Congresses avoiding its constitutional duty to set policy. 

I wish the outcome had been different: but it’s about time Congress actually does its duty and sets policy. If the American people don’t like a 2000 page health insurance bill forced down our throats they need to force our elected officials to change it. If we or Congress do not have the guts to do this, we deserve what we get.

In November we get a chance to make sure those in Washington know exactly how we feel, make sure you take advantage of it. Every vote does count!

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