Friday, September 13, 2013

I am sorry Mr. Putin but you are absolutely wrong.

This week we were treated to an op-ed article from President Putin who decided to lecture the American people on the proper use of military force and international cooperation. The whole thing would be funny if it was not so tragic.
It is amazing that Mr. Putin would  lecture Americans on human rights when his previous employer, the KGB of the now debunked USSR, single purpose was to deny rights to its countries own citizens and deal with anyone who resisted the crushing communist government with violence only exceeded by previous USSR governments. 
It is ironic that Mr. Putin uses the violence in Afghanistan, since the US lead the invasion, as an example of the problem with the use of military force and states “We need to use the United Nations Security Council to preserve law and order in today’s complex and turbulent world”. I don’t remember any UN resolutions Mr. Putin when hundreds of thousands of Russian troops flooded across the Afghan border. I don’t remember any UN resolutions Mr. Putin when that action started the violent down-spiral that eventually lead to Al Qaeda having complete run of Afghanistan. I don’t remember any UN resolutions Mr. Putin that stopped Al Qaeda from using that county to train and plan attacks like 9-11. I don’t remember you or any representative of the USSR objecting to the mass killing of civilians with Mi-24 attack helicopters during the USSR occupation. You showed no concern for international law or UN sanctions as the government YOU worked for carted political prisoners off to Siberia or as your Russian tanks crushed Chechen rebels.
Save us the lectures Mr. Putin.
We do not need them from a man who worked for one of the most murderous governments in history. The USS has supported proxy wars throughout history.  Your country has always been and still is on the side of tyranny, ruthlessness and brutal governments. Even today, in the country where YOU are President, citizens are beaten, imprisoned and killed just for voicing opposition to your polices.
Maybe in your country, with government controlled media and thug police, maybe there you can get away with the outlandish lies your article expounds. But in a country with a free press, in a country that encourages free thinking people, YOU are a hypocrite and a clown. You have stumbled on to a political opportunity to increase Russian influence.  This opportunity was brought about mainly due to the total incompetence of the current US President and his team of advisors. But don’t assume the majority of Americans are as ignorant as our current leader.
Your biggest error, your biggest misconception, is your belief that America is not exceptional. It is not the individual per say but something much greater. What makes America exceptional is the concepts of individual liberty and individual freedom that allows Americans to achieve exceptional things.  There is a reason that America had to supply wheat to feed your Russian citizens during the communist reign of terror. There is a reason why the US economy dwarfs all others and is 8 times the size of the Russian economy. It’s not because America’s citizens are smarter or harder working than any others. History has shown the brilliance and resolve of the Russian people. The difference is, the American Constitution that allows American individuals to achieve their maximum potential and not be limited by a corrupt and overbearing bureaucratic government.
Immigrants flock to the United States of America because in the USA; you can be or achieve anything. Our country is not perfect:  we are lead and governed by imperfect people.  But, our Founding Father’s concept of unalienable rights is perfect. It is the light that lead the world out of 10,000 years of darkness; that proved that the individual has value.  A person has value not because it was granted by some government or some King or some President; a person has value just because the individual exists.
If you were a great leader, you would understand this concept.
If you were a great leader, you would emulate this concept.
But then, I did say “if”………

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