The debate on extending the Bush tax cuts gets more and more surreal. Not only do we have the president insisting keeping the tax cuts in place would be“ giving” money to the wealthy, now Ms Pelosi tells us that they are actually the “Obama tax cuts”!
To quote madam speaker during her weekly press briefing:
"What I believe the American people deserve is a tax cut for the middle class, And without getting into procedure and timing and process, what we're going to do is to say at the end of the day, the extension of the Obama middle-income tax cuts will take place, and that's what I have to say on the subject."
Yes you read that correct. The very tax cuts the democrats voted almost unanimously against almost a decade ago are not only GOOD now but if the congress votes to extend these cuts (maintain what is already in place) they will actually be Obama tax CUTS!.
Of course none of this yet explains how the democrats told us 7-8 years ago these very same tax cuts were “tax cuts for the wealthy” but now they want to keep the 97% that were for the middle class. In 2001-2003 they along with their media minions sounded like parrots……
tax cuts for the wealth!
tax cuts for the wealthy!
Tax cuts for the wealth!
I remember my good liberal friend Rich standing in my office screaming about Bush’s “tax cuts for the wealthy”. And today our liberal friends in the same harmonious fashion cry …….
tax cuts for the middle class!
tax cuts for the middle class!
Don’t get me wrong, I am glad the democrats finally admit tax cuts (in particular the BUSH tax cuts…opps… sorry I mean the OBAMA tax cuts) are good things but I have to ask are they lying now or were they lying before?
Now we move from how much of your money the government should take to how they are doing at spending it. From an internal report from the LA city controller we have the following.
More than a year after Congress approved $800 billion in stimulus funds, the Los Angeles city controller has released a 40-page report on how the city spent its share, and the results are not living up to expectations.
"I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million," said Wendy Greuel, the city's controller. "With our local unemployment rate over 12 percent we need to do a better job cutting red tape and putting Angelenos back to work.” According to the audit, the Los Angeles Department of Public Works spent $70 million in stimulus funds -- in return, it created seven private sector jobs and saved seven workers from layoffs. Taxpayer cost per job: $1.5 million.
The Los Angeles Department of Transportation created even fewer jobs per dollar, spending $40 million but netting just nine jobs. Taxpayer cost per job: $4.4 million. Greuel blamed the dismal numbers on several factors:
1. Bureaucratic red tape: Four highway projects did not even go out to bid until seven months after they were authorized.
2. Projects that were supposed to be competitively bid in the private sector went instead went to city workers.
3. Stimulus money was not properly tracked within departments
4. Both departments could not report the jobs created and retained in a timely fashion.
Imagine that, red tape and politics screwing up a project in the government. I can absolutely guarantee that if the federal government decided to hand the small company I work for 1.5 million dollars to create jobs we would have been hiring a lot more than one person. Hey but let’s give the city of LA the benefit of the doubt., I am sure there were some outside jobs created by LA spending 111 million dollars, they must have had to buy something with the $111 million. Let’s say they created 10 jobs for every 1.5 million, see how well that works out, now they only paid $150,000 per job!
Which brings me back to one of my central themes, that not only are federal government wealth re-distribution and make work programs unconstitutional, but they DON”T WORK! (At least not nearly as good as just leaving the money in the hands of the citizens to start with).
This is the same as my talk about the department of education a while ago. The good citizens of LA sent their tax money to Washington, Washington used a lot of it to pay the salaries and expenses for people whose only job is to send some of that very same money back to LA.
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