Thursday, September 6, 2012

What did we learn from the first night of the DNC convention?

That apparently unemployment is not a problem….speaker after speaker talked about the amazing job creation under President Obama, guess that unemployment over 8% for the last 39 months is not a problem.

Democrats lie…..a number of speakers repeated the report that more jobs have been created under Obama than under 8 years of President Bush, but looking at the monthly changes in non-farm employment finds this to be an absolute lie. At this point, jobs numbers have decreased dramatically during the Obama administration while showing an almost 2 million increase under Bush. ( Who was it that said facts are stubborn things? But don’t believe me - CNN reported the exact same thing.

That American banks are the reason “we are in this mess” but Romney is un-American for have bank accounts in non-American banks. So the lesson here would be American banks are all evil and caused the financial meltdown but we should support those same banks with our money?

Better to create no jobs than to create millions of jobs and have some be overseas…… Speaker after speaker attacked Romney for his success at Bain capital. Ignoring companies like Sports Authority and Staples, that employ thousands of Americans and was created with assistance from Bain the assailed, the supposed jobs outsourced to foreign countries of which they gave no examples. Apparently the democrats prefer the job creation of Obama in his private carrier – that would be zero. They attack a man that has helped create thousands of American jobs to support a person who has never created one single job in his life.

The democrats applaud success: just apparently not too much success….. San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro on one hand makes the statement “We all celebrate individual success” but speaker after speaker attack Romney for the success of Bain capital. 

What you say is not what you meant….Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman was quoted Tuesday as saying “I’ve heard no less than Ambassador Michael Oren say this, that what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel.” Yet on Wednesday spokes persons from her office said she had been “misrepresented" by media that quoted her exactly. This came after the Israeli ambassador not only denied ever saying such thing but denied that republican positions were detrimental to Israel’s interest. How exactly does a direct quote “misrepresent” what you said?

Decrease any amount of taxes and you can brag about tax cuts….We had one speaker after another remind us that the president has “decreased taxes for the working people”. According to the left leaning ‘Citizens for Tax Justice’ families earning between $36,000 and $59,000 received between $ 650 and $ 710 tax credit under Obama. Now not to say that $ 50 a month is not a help but this is hardly a tax reduction to write home about. The real tax accomplishment by this president is extending the Bush tax cuts that the democrats fought so hard against when Bush was President.

Bush era tax cuts under Bush…bad, same Bush era tax cuts under Obama….good.

Gitmo does not exist… 2009 President Obama said “continuing the military prison set back the moral authority that is America's strongest currency in the world." Yet here we are over three years later and the facility is still operational. Now I agree that the prison should remain functional but after campaigning on the evils of the Bush administration for operating this facility wonder why not only did the President not close it but we never hear a word about it.
It always helps to shout….for some reason most of the speakers last night had the need to shout their message, maybe if the message is no good it somehow improves if you increase the volume.
We all made it without Obama but you can’t… always amazes me when liberals start their speech with their and their families ascent to greatness from humble beginnings only to end their message with the notion that without massive government programs no one but the wealthy have any chance of success. Why was Mayor Julian Castro able to rise from humble beginnings but apparently his class mates could not obtain the same success?  In the Mayor’s speech, he tells us about how he and his brother both got good educations, even coming from humble beginnings, but he wonders how his class mates in high school will ever make it without government hand-outs. Is he so extraordinary that only HE can make it without government assistance? Is the path to financial stability only paved with government tax dollars?
16 trillion dollars of federal debt is nothing worth discussing……As the leading democrats attacked Romney and Ryan for their perceived fiscal irresponsibility the federal debt ticked over 16 trillion. Speaker after speaker talked about how we need more and more federal spending for about every part of our economy and no one ever gave us one hint of how we will pay for it except to “make the wealthy pay their fair share”. This undefined “fair share” of course could not even be enough to cover the massive debt added by this president much less pay for the added massive debt the democrats are planning on adding.
And finally - - -

Federal debt under Bush, bad….federal debt under Obama ,good.

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